Get Ready For the 1st Edition of the Covet International Awards
3 min read

Get Ready For the 1st Edition of the Covet International Awards

Get Ready For the 1st Edition of the Covet International AwardsIt’s time for Best Interior Designers to share with you some excellent news! We’re here to present the Covet International Awards,  a newly design contest that was created by the Covet Group with the purpose of celebrating and elevating the arts & crafts by distinguishing the most prestigious interior design projects.


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We have other good news! The submissions for this major Design Contest are now open! That’s right we want to announce the call for entries for the Covet International Awards, a contest that was born from a passion to revive the arts that are clearly being forgotten, therefore, bringing their legacy to our contemporary world.

Get Ready For the 1st Edition of the Covet International Awards

The Organisers of Covet International Awards – Covet House and Br(h)ands Foundation, share, as mentioned previously, the common mission of reviving ancient arts that are losing their place in the contemporary Design world. With 15 years of experience in creating curated furniture, which feature elements in the arts of filigree, tile, wood carving and others, Covet House has now a bigger mission than designing high-end furniture, they actually want to make sure that the knowledge of arts & crafts passes on from generation to generation.

Get Ready For the 1st Edition of the Covet International Awards

Now let’s get right to it and know the reasons why one should participate in this honoring event for design and craftsmanship:

  • The overall winner will have Access to a twenty-eight square meter booth at the January edition of Maison et Objet 2020. Set and logistics will be offered and the recipient will have the opportunity to Showcase their signature style in a creative and welcoming ambience.

  • All of the winners will showcase their projects to an audience of press, thinkers, makers and opinion leaders at the Covet International Awards in Paris, which will be taking place simultaneously with the second edition of the Luxury Design & Craftsmanship Summit


  • Furthermore, the winning submitted projects and its respective creators will have an exclusive article in CovetED Magazine and Best Interior Designers as well as an exclusive interview, which will be published on CovetED’s printed and online versions.


  • In the issue of January 2019, CovetED will present seven different covers in reference to the winning projects. This issue will be distributed in newsstands, luxury hotels, deluxe airport lounges and private clubs. Winners will also be featured in the first volume of the book Covet International Awards to be sold worldwide in June 2019 and a press release will be sent to an international audience of 10,000 worthy contacts.


  • In addition, all the winners will receive a certified issue from the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and a special trophy will be awarded at the official gala in January 2019, in Paris.



Since the language of luxury design is currently a combination of craftsmanship and arts that tell a story of passion and emotion. Consequently, the Covet International Awards become this obvious solution to promote such a message to the world, recognizing skilled interior designers that share the same values. To conclude, we remind everyone that entries for submitting projects close on 15th September 2018, so don’t miss this amazing opportunity to elevate design and craftsmanship in the most singular way. It’s a chance of a lifetime! Can you imagine if your project is the first ever winner of a Covet International Award?

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