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Being a latecomer to the fascinating world of design, the proficient designer, Christophe Pillet was actually considering becoming a musician as he immensely enjoyed playing music, however, once the design bug was manifested into his mind, there was no other option going forward.

Specializing in interior design and interior architecture, Pillet has a wide array of successful projects that reflect the contemporaneity of French Design, from the astonishing Hotel Sahrai in Morocco to the awe-inspiring St. Tropez Villa, along with many furnishings, such as the Agatha Dreams lounge chair and the comfy Pillet Pine Beach sofa.
Some of the characteristics that the French artist absolutely esteems about design are the context of the work, discovering brand-new perspectives and creations as well as learning from other tremendously talented individuals. Furthermore, the designer does not differentiate working on a piece of furniture or interior space, or whatever the case may be because although each project has a different value, the most important thing is to express oneself and telling a narrative that is not only about the product but also the people who are acquiring it. To Pillet, it is all connected to sharing his point of view to the public.
In regards to his signature style, Christophe Pillet highlighted the fact that most of his pieces obey to an eclectic abundance. Additionally, he views design as a way to create daring and playful projects, and not to take everything in a serious manner. Nonetheless, the designer believes that time is a necessity when developing a new piece so as to guarantee that every single process is accurately completed. He is also quite careful when selecting colors, materials and textures.
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Pillet recommends young designers not to accelerate their careers, to give a certain time and space for things to happen naturally, however, he adds that in this business one must really trust in themselves and always listen to their heart and intuitions. Young designers should also be aware of their surroundings and what other top interior designers are doing.
The many institutions’ personalities and events of Paris have been inspiring worldwide designers for decades. We can say that the beautiful city of Paris is much more than just a creative hub for design, it’s also a design lifestyle and inspiration all on its own. It’s because of its beauty and powerful sense of creativity that Paris is home to some of the most spectacular designers of the world like Jean Louis Deniot, Charles Zana or CM Studio Paris. Check out a preview of the Ebook below!
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