4 min read

New Luxury Bar Chairs | Pick a Seat

New Luxury Bar Chairs | Pick a Seat

New Luxury Bar Chairs | Pick a Seat is here ! The bar, that place of joy, celebration and togetherness, would not be the same without a stylish atmosphere. The luxury bar chairs you’re about to see enlighten the luxury experience of being surrounded by friends, where moments turn into good memories. Because luxury is about the simplest things!

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Tellus Bar Chair

tellus bar chair


Tellus was the goddess of the Earth in Roman Mythology, the ancestral mother of all life. Embodying the fierceness and power of this deity, the Tellus Bar Chair came to life, upholstered in green velvet, with black lacquered matte legs and bronze renaissance nail trim. This modern velvet bar chair is perfect for residential or contract projects. Its elegant design makes the Tellus Bar Chair the ideal choice for any modern setting.

Tellus Counter Stool

green velvet bar chair


Looking for a new counter stool for your project? You might just find it! Upholstered in velvet, the Tellus Counter Stool is the perfect piece for a modern bar or kitchen.

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Saboteur Swivel

golden velvet bar chair


Evoking the old glamour of noir movies, the Saboteur Swivel Bar Chair is a classy velvet bar chair for stylish kitchens, bars, bistros or lounge areas. With a swivel feature, this style joins luxury and comfort through a simple and timeless design.

Galea Swivel

dark toned bar chair


An elegant bar chair that fuses modern and ancient. The new member of the Galea family includes a swivel feature for more elevated comfort and style. Inspired by a helmet worn by warriors in the Roman Empire, Galea is a velvet and leather modern bar chair with a body made of wood and brass.

Otto Swivel

bege velvet bar chair


Designed to complement the Otto family, the Otto Swivel Bar Chair is LUXXU’s omen to luxurious design. Made with noble materials, such as gray velvet and leather, the brass detail elevates this product into a masterpiece.

Nura Swivel

Nura Swivel Bar Chair scaled


With a uniquely shaped backrest, Nura Bar Chair is the ultimate expression of comfortable luxury. With a new swivel feature, combining a fantastic design with exclusive style and comfort, this chair is made of leather, brass, and wood. It’s ideal for high-end bars with a glam yet cozy vibe.

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Charla Swivel

charla swivel bar chair luxxu


Charla Swivel Bar Chair is an elegant and sophisticated furniture piece. The new member of the Charla family has a new feature with adjustable height and a swivel, combining a fantastic design with exclusive style and comfort. The modern edge in the Charla Swivel Bar Chair exudes the feeling of vintage glam.


plum bar chair


Plum Counter Stool celebrates the luxury and opulence associated with this bold color, highlighted by the synthetic leather that composes it, synonymous with class and exuberance.

luxurious open kitchen


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