Interior design tips by Molins Interiors-1
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Interior Design Tips

Interior design tips by Molins Interiors

Interior design tips by Molins Interiors-6

As happens to us, homes go through different moments. These are reflected in changes, those always show, or should show our vital movement. Sometimes those changes are due to a move or just a needed reallocation or for no reason at all. To make changes in our furnishing, colors… the most recurrent way is to play with complements and decoration.

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We focus in decoration elements, it is easy to look back and remember our parents or grandparents houses, full of small figures, material collections, classic paintings… but there was something that match all those houses, and those are the gathering of small and delicate stuff. Small treasures distributed in the house. Lucky or not for us, time has changed. Interior decoration or interior design, is prone to simplification but without leaving sophistication. This tendency is reflected in those small pieces mentioned above. Today is quite common to have fewer complements, maybe bigger, but overall, easier to set up, clean or move. We love free space. We can say that today interior design sacrifices elements for space, which is also a value in interior architecture.

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As Barcelona interior designers we like to interpret the evolution in our sector, adapting and creating inside new fashions.

See also: Design trends at London May Design Series

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Let’s start with the dinning room. One of the areas in which we spend most of our time and that must be most in accordance to our personality. It isn’t about to change everything, sometimes giving the right upholstery to our sofa or choosing the appropriate cushions, can be the best way to “have a new sofa” and obtain that change sensation. The curtains develop an important role, due to their presence and direct contact with exterior light. Combining curtains and upholstery is a winning bet.

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Speaking about more personal areas, like the bedroom, they must have a common theme with our dinning rooms. We can accomplish that through carpets, cushions, bed sheets… but now we also have to combine them with mirrors and paintings we want to add.

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See also: Interview with Lorenzo Castillo

If we talk about spaces like the bathroom and the kitchen, apparently areas of great utility we use to think that shouldn’t be decorated like other areas, but we are mistaken. It’s not about decorative elements; it is about taking advantage of the kitchen tools to use them as decoration.

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For both, both bathrooms and kitchens, due to the fluctuation of not pleasant aromas, it is suitable the use of aromatic plants, which are added to the overall decoration.