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Interior Design Tips

From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas W/These Ebooks

From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas W/ These Ebooks:  The Design Brand BRABBU releases a new series of ebooks divided into four main designs: the Modern Minimal Design, the Modern Contemporary Design, the Modern Classic Design, and the Modern Mid-Century Design. These complete ebooks reflect, like the brand, an intense way of living, bringing fierceness, strength, and power into an urban lifestyle.  Join Best Interior Designers and be inspired by these amazing ebooks, we give you the opportunity to download for free! Find out how to do it!


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From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas


Have you ever heard about our ebook page?

A page where you’ll find Free and Inspirational Interior Design Ebooks, all of whom explore themes surrounding the design world!

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On this page, you can find these 4 new ebooks from BRABBU , let us introduce what you can expect:



From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas


The Modern Contemporary spaces have an open-space concept, with the kitchen merging with the dining or living room, or both dining and living room merging with each other. This results in an airy and comfortable living space, avoiding ornate designs.




The Modern Classic style has the epitomized aesthetic of modern interior design melded with the simplicity that the classic style brings, with clean and striking spaces that linger in our memory.

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From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas


The Modern Mid-Century Style is characterized by clean lines, gentle organic curves, and adoration for different materials. This style consists of clean lines, where functionality is important, with slight ornamentation and the opposition of different and contrasting materials.


From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas 4


Modern Minimal Design is the desire to achieve excellent interiors with the minimal use of adorns, having simplicity in form, space, materials, details, and colors whilst still paying attention to these small details.




“From Modern Contemporary To Minimal, Get Interior Ideas W/ This Ebook”

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