What Are The Best Luxury Brands Preparing for Salone del Mobile 2019
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4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

covet nyc Covet NYC: Unveiling The Luxury Events For March gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw


The AD Design Show 2019 is coming and, today, Best Interior Designers will present you 4 amazing Design Events you must put in your design agenda! All of them will take place at The Mansion, better known as the COVET NYC, the amazing design showroom of Covet House/ Covet Group in New York!


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AD Design Show 2019 in NYC Is Coming! 

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First of all, let us remind you that this popular design event that will be held from the 21st to the 24th of March at PIERS 92 & 94 in the 55th Street at 12th Avenue in New York City! This will be the Place to Be if you Love Design and Get Inspired by this Industry and, if you are attending, feel free to stop by  BOOTH 601, where you’ll be able to find the Covet House Stand. In here you’ll find products form some top luxury brands, namely Boca do Lobo, DelightfullBrabbuMaison ValentinaCircu, LuxxuEssential HomeRug’Society, Pullcast and Foogo.


4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

Ⓒ Corcoran/ Covet NYC

4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

Ⓒ Corcoran/ Covet NYC


To celebrate the AD Design Show, the Covet House/ Covet Group will use The Mansion/ COVET NYC to promote 4 Amazing Events that you can’t miss. Let us talk a little about them:


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4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

Ⓒ Sieger & Furstenburg


WORKSHOP | March 15th
Location: 172 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
Hours: 3pm-8pm
Theme: Flowers by Sahola & Set Decoration by Sieger & Furstenberg


On March 15, Sahola teams up with Sieger & Furstenberg for a unique workshop about luxury flowers and set decoration. It takes place at 172 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor, and, for now, all we can say is that a surprising luxury atmosphere and a bewildering visual statement will occupy Covet NYC. Happening between 3 PM and 8 PM.


4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

Ⓒ Sahola

4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

March 21st – Thursday / March 22nd – Thursday
Location: 172 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
Hours: 6pm -8pm
Theme: First Day – Covet NYC Design’s Inspiration: Art & Craftmanship/ Second Day – Covet House at AD Design Show


Also taking place at Covet NYC is a cocktail party that marks the beginning of AD Design Show. Divided in two days, 21st and 22nd of March, that translates into two different themes, the first one being Art & Craftsmanship and the second being Covet House at AD Show, this is an unmissable event for all interior design lovers.


4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019


March 28th – Thursday
Location: 172 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
Hours: 9am-5pm
Theme: Covet NYC Re-furnish | Spring Home Décor Trends by Covet House & Special Guest: Art by Arlene Angard Interior Designs & Fine Arts


For an upcoming season, a new visual. Covet NYC is full of surprises and it’s now time to bring another curated selection of furniturelightingupholstery and accessories from the best European luxury brands to the big city. On March 25, Covet NYC is where all the magic happens with a stunning design conference about what the future holds for the company and the design trends. Keep your eyes peeled for updates!


4 Amazing Events to Attend in The Mansion During AD Design Show 2019

Ⓒ Corcoran/ Covet NYC


What Are The Best Luxury Brands Preparing for Salone del Mobile 2019



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